Create Call
Create a new AI call
Request to initiate an AI phone call
The phone number to call in E.164 format
The prompt to use for the AI call. Required if agent_id is not provided
"Hello, I'm calling to confirm your appointment"
The UUID of the phone number to use for the outbound call. If not provided, a phone number will be automatically selected.
Whether to record the call or not
The language to use for the call - English (en) or Spanish (es)
, es
, ar
Keywords to emphasize during the conversation
["appointment", "schedule", "morning"]
ID of the pre-configured agent to handle the call. Required if prompt is not provided. Cannot be used together with analyzers - use the agent's analyzers instead.
Additional parameters to pass to the call. These will be subtituted into the prompt for all keys with {{params.key}}
"appointment_type": "morning",
"customer_id": "123456"
List of analyzers to run after the call. Can only be provided when agent_id is not provided. If using an agent, use the agent's analyzers instead.
, es
, ar
Indicates how the call was answered - by a human, voicemail, or if there was no answer
, human
, no_answer
, unknown
List of analyzers configured for this call
Results from analyzers that have completed
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